Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Good morning!  I had this whole schpeal wrote out and pressed 'publish' and it didn't take.  It's one of those spur-of-the-moment things that just flows like warm water, having absolutely no pre-meditation to it, but you can never recapture it once it vanishes.  Sucks big horse wang!  I'll try back later the day is starting.  Sorry about not speaking with you sooner.  If I'm not moved to speak, why waste the breath or force the inspiration, right?  Drive safe out there.  L8tr.  -Tr

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ghost Plane

It was cold and wet when I was outside waiting.  I just happened to look up and in an instant, noticed a plane fade from view.  It was one of those moments when you realized that if you hadn't been in just the right place and looked up at just the right time, that you would have missed it forever.  Of course, you try and calm down assuring yourself almost out loud that how were you to know?  But still, there was no trailing sound of an engine.  It moved as silently as the clouds around it.  It also seemed semi-transparent.  Like, it didn't really push things aside with its aerodynamic frame or from the momentum of its power.  But rather, it passed through the clouds.  Literally, through them.  Afterwards, I thought of a deer in some dense woods.  Despite its mass or antlers, it could effortlessly pass through the trees and brush in an almost wraith-like fashion.  I tried to ponder what nature of pilot or passenger could be transporting in such a technological apparition.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Naked Truth

Are you considered naked if you're still wearing shoes?  Would it matter what kind of shoes you're wearing?  I can feel my whole body going numb and weak.  Drinking is a great way to fall asleep.  I heard someone say today, "I want to die young, as late as possible."  A profound testament to living life to the fullest.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembering Mr. Frost

Today's Friday, at least for me, and time to pack up soon and prepare for work.  If someone is ever in your way more than once in the same occurence merely explain to them that, "You're like American Express.  You're every where I wanna be."  You're one of a kind.  You're unique.  You're essential and self-LESS, and you mean alot to those closest to you.  It's because of them that you do what you do.  Otherwise, why subject yourself?

"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep.  But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep."  - Robert Frost

-Quaeritate, v.; "To ask"            ...Even with spaces, the word is longer than the definition.  Go figure.

Later.  -Tr

Monday, November 8, 2010

I missed 4:20

It's actually 4:40am now and the start of a new work week.  Not sure what to expect.  Everyday seems more and more like a bout of constipation.  It's nerve-racking before it begins, hurts like hell from start to finish, and you feel absolutely drained and violated afterwards, but also relieved that it's over....until the next time.  Good luck and God-speed.  Later.  -Tr

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep."  Robert Frost

  1. flippercanorious: elegant (1934)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Do's and Do Not's

I can't wait to share this.  Three things you should never have in your house:  Cheap toilet paper, fat-free dressing, and a knife so dull you can't cut butter.  In contrast, three things that're ok to have are cheap batteries, cheap ketchup, and cheap knives that you're not afraid to use and abuse.  Just don't cut yourself.  That's it, thank you.

I'm museless!

Good morning!  I'm sitting in a corner of my upstairs livingroom, in the dark, sipping on coffee, and with one ear bud in my left ear...because the other one is crap.  The earbud, not my ear.  I have to get the family up in about thirty minutes.  In that time, I'm incessantly lamenting over my apparent inability to teleport!  God, I wish I could travel anywhere in the world and back again in a blink of an eye.  Go to another country on the other side of the globe for lunch or never have to worry about finding a parking spot at six o'clock in the morning.  I know I haven't been blogging lately.  I have to be inspired or it seems monotonous and boring.  It's not to say, however, that I'm currently experiencing some spontaneous, mind-blowing, blast of muse, but rather I just feel like sharing.  Coffee really tastes good this morning, as it often does, but I haven't been drinking as much of it lately.  Due to clutter and availability mostly.  I'm going to have lunch with my Dad today.  We try and meet and eat once a month at a local Hmong restaurant.  It's not exotic really.  It's quaint and simple and the food is really good if you have just an ounce of open-mindedness which, saying that, sets people on edge.  We've all been brow-beaten into believing, "You won't know for sure until you try."  One of, if not the only thing, that I'm open-minded about is food.  I proudly profess to whoever will listen, "I didn't get this big by being picky."  That's a life lesson right there.  Growing up, people used to make all kinds of fun of me.  Eventually, I figured out why not try it myself?  That way, people've got nothing on you and they sometimes stop all together.  I like to quote Bruce Lee from, "Enter the Dragon", in thr beginning when he's in the boat making his way to the island.  When asked to describe his "style" he replied, "Call it the art of fighting, without fighting."  Take it from me, no one and I mean NO ONE should have to endure anything more than what they feel they can handle.  It takes a conscious choice to stand up and deal with it in WHATEVER way they feel is necessary, and I leave that interpretation up to my readers.  I can count on one hand with some fingers left over how many "aggresive encounters" I've had in my life thus far.  I say that because I don't really look at them as a legitimate fight, but more as a display of aggression and grappling techniques.  Word to the wise when engaging a larger opponent, and I may be divulging trade secret information, but never attempt to close quarter combat them or you're almost certain to lose.  That's where they want you in the first place because they sure as hell are not going to want to chase your skinny ass all over creation.  Once they got you, you're (beep)'d.  Feel free to agitate a starving vampire with no one else in sight as bait and you'll have a close idea to what it's like in delaying a fat man from his meal.  As in any case, keep a safe distance away with a stance that has you looking more to one shoulder than directly in the middle of both.  Otherwise, they'll bowl you right over.  Once you're down, you're done.  Excuse me while I kick the troops out of bed.....I'm back.  Anyway, I have to get going.  I leave you with this:  "I think it's comical that in a room full of people, the only two that speak a different language find it necessary to whisper."  Later.  -Tr